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1Kako je Bella zatrudnela? Empty Kako je Bella zatrudnela? Pon Avg 09, 2010 3:44 am


E ovako, ja znam da je ovo mozda perverzno i sve to, ali kako je ona uspela da zatrudni, odn. kako je on uspeo da je oplodi? Mislim, taj covek nema krv, ne moze da dozivi erekciju, nema semenu tecnost, ne moze nikako da je oplodi. Znam da ja mozda preterujem, ali me tako malo nervira sto je to nemoguce.. Ali bas nemoguce, a Stafani je nije potrudila ni da pokusa da objasni..
Inace, procitala sam sva 4 dela. I obozavam ih. Prvi mi je ubedljivo najbolji, ali i ostali su dobri. Breaking Dawn mi jeste malo nategnut, i to ne samo zbog ovog gore..
preuzeto sa twilight-srbija

Nasao sam ovo interesantno pitanje, pa se i ja pitam isto xD


2Kako je Bella zatrudnela? Empty Re: Kako je Bella zatrudnela? Pon Avg 09, 2010 4:27 am


Slažem se...kad sam prvi put pročitala bd, u novembru 2009. pa sve do sada nisam uspjela zaključiti KAKO se to moglo desiti...to mi je jedna mana u čitavoj knjizi

AJde da je edward kao mladji vampir pa da ima nešto malo krvi u sebi i da ima tečnost...da ne pretjerujem sad...al ipak to je 109 godina..nije mi to jasno nikako


3Kako je Bella zatrudnela? Empty Re: Kako je Bella zatrudnela? Pon Avg 09, 2010 6:01 am

*Bella Swan*

*Bella Swan*
Ni meni to nije bilo najjasnije...ali to je magija..Very Happy

4Kako je Bella zatrudnela? Empty Re: Kako je Bella zatrudnela? Sre Avg 11, 2010 12:35 am


I ja sam se to pitala. A izgleda da mi nismo jedini. Isto su se pitali i fanovi sirom sveta, pa je SM na njenom sajtu odgovorila na to pitanje. Iako jako dobro znam engleski, nisam bas najbolje razumela odgovor. Spekulisala je o tome kako, iako vampiri nemaju krv i semenu tecnosti imaju druge vrste tecnosi, i nesto slicno tome. Kao sto rekoh, nisam najbolje razumela.

5Kako je Bella zatrudnela? Empty Re: Kako je Bella zatrudnela? Sre Avg 11, 2010 12:52 am


Boze bas cudno...ni ja ne razumem...

6Kako je Bella zatrudnela? Empty Re: Kako je Bella zatrudnela? Sre Avg 11, 2010 4:38 am

*Bella Swan*

*Bella Swan*
Pa verovatno je stefani smisliala neko objasnjenje zbog cega je zatrudnela..tako da verujmo da je to moguce..Smile

7Kako je Bella zatrudnela? Empty Re: Kako je Bella zatrudnela? Sre Avg 11, 2010 5:28 am


Ali kad pogledamo, sve je ovo fanfikcija. Nista od ovoga ne postoji. Ni vampiri, ni vukodlaci niti bilo sta sto je vezano za njih. Pa stoga od totalno nelogicne fanfickije, ne mozemo ocekivati logicne dogadjaje i logicna objasnjenja.

8Kako je Bella zatrudnela? Empty Re: Kako je Bella zatrudnela? Sre Okt 06, 2010 6:20 am


Da, stvarno... kako?!


9Kako je Bella zatrudnela? Empty Re: Kako je Bella zatrudnela? Sre Okt 06, 2010 8:14 pm


Odgovor glasi:

Vampires and pregnancy: when did that idea occur to you? How does that work?

The first seed (no pun intended) was planted when I did Bella's computer research in chapter seven of Twilight. Bella reads about several real vampire legends—the Danag, Estrie, Upier, etc. In the novel, I only mentioned a few of the many legends I read through. One that I didn't mention at this point was the entry on the Incubus. The unique feature about that legend was that the incubus could father children. Hmmm, I said, and I filed that kernel of an idea away for later. When I decided to write the first sequel to Twilight (Forever Dawn), I knew it was going to revolve around a hybrid baby from the outset.

When my editor and I decided to go back and really develop Bella's last year of high school, I did so with the knowledge that it was all going to end up with the events in Breaking Dawn. Everything I wrote was pointed in that direction.

I was always very careful when I answered the "Can vampires have babies?" question, because I didn't want to say anything incorrect, but I also didn't want to make the future super-obvious. I focused my answers on the female half of the equation—female vampires cannot have children because their bodies no longer change in any aspect. There is no changing cycle to begin with, and their bodies couldn't expand to fit a growing child, either. I purposely evaded answering the question, "Can a male vampire get a human female pregnant?" to preserve a tiny bit of surprise in the last book. There were many statements on this subject purported to have come from me, but I never made those comments because, obviously, I knew where this was going.

Now, on to the "how is this possible?" question. First of all, of course it's not possible. None of this story is possible. It's a fantasy story about creatures that don't actually exist. Within the context of the fantasy, however, this is how it works:

Vampires are physically similar enough to their human origins to pass as humans under some circumstances (like cloudy days). There are many basic differences. They appear to have skin like ours, albeit very fair skin. The skin serves the same general purpose of protecting the body. However, the cells that make up their skin are not pliant like our cells, they are hard and reflective like crystal. A fluid similar to the venom in their mouths works as a lubricant between the cells, which makes movement possible (note: this fluid is very flammable). A fluid similar to the same venom lubricates their eyes so that their eyes can move easily in their sockets. (However, they don't produce tears because tears exist to protect the eye from damage, and nothing is going to be able to scratch a vampire's eye.) The lubricant-venom in the eyes and skin is not able to infect a human the way saliva-venom can. Similarly, throughout the vampire's body are many versions of venom-based fluids that retain a marked resemblance to the fluid that was replaced, and function in much the same way and toward the same purpose. Though there is no venom replacement that works precisely like blood, many of the functions of blood are carried on in some form. Also, the nervous system runs in a slightly different but heightened way. Some involuntary reactions, like breathing, continue (in that specific example because vampires use the scents in the air much more than we do, rather than out of a need for oxygen). Other involuntary reactions, like blinking, don't exist because there is no purpose for them. The normal reactions of arousal are still present in vampires, made possible by venom-related fluids that cause tissues to react similarly as they do to an influx of blood. Like with vampire skin—which looks similar to human skin and has the same basic function—fluids closely related to seminal fluids still exist in male vampires, which carry genetic information and are capable of bonding with a human ovum. This was not a known fact in the vampire world (outside of Joham's personal experimenting) before Nessie, because it's nearly impossible for a vampire to be that near a human and not kill her.

I didn't get into all of these details at my signings because it's a long, complicated mouthful. Also, it's hard to be clearly heard with all the screaming. Mostly, though, I waited to do this in writing because I have an immature, Homer Simpson-like tendency to giggle when I say the words "seminal fluids" in public.

10Kako je Bella zatrudnela? Empty Re: Kako je Bella zatrudnela? Pon Dec 20, 2010 2:54 pm


umm, mene bas i nezanima kako je bella zatrudnjela, jer jedino znam da imaju jedno predivno zajednicko dijete... prepre slatko malo cudno stvorenje.. ali sta sam nasla u knjizi, cak je i Carlisle bio zacudjen. sto znaci da se to nikad nije dogodilo(osim jedno sa drugim 50/50 djetetom) tako da... sve je moguce...(ovo sam napisala jer je moje misljenje, nisam citala ovo iznad:S)

11Kako je Bella zatrudnela? Empty Re: Kako je Bella zatrudnela? Uto Dec 21, 2010 3:45 am


To sto nije objasnjeno ne znaci da je nemoguce.
Mozda Stefani nije htela da pise o takvim stvarima zbog vecinski mladje
populacije koja voli Twilight.

Ili nije uopste smatrala da je to bitno.

Ako krenemo od toga da vampiri ne mogu da imaju erekciju jer nemaju
krv , onda dobar deo knjige koji se odnosi na te stvari ne bi postojao.

A zbunjenost ostalih clanova porodice u knjzi verovatno proizilazi iz toga
sto niko nikada od njih nije ni probao da napravi dete .

A sto se tice vampira van twilighta , procitajte malo o
Sukubusima i Inkubusima. Mozda vam bude malo jasnije.


12Kako je Bella zatrudnela? Empty Re: Kako je Bella zatrudnela? Sub Jan 29, 2011 7:52 am


Vampirice ne mogu zatrudnjeti jer se njihovo ne moze mijenjati,a u vampira zapravo moze.Bellino tijelo se moze mijenjati,tako da je ostala trudna s Edwardom...Nisu,mislim,znali da ljudska djevojka moze zatrudnjeti s vampirom jer to nije cest slucaj!Moje misljenje! Very Happy


13Kako je Bella zatrudnela? Empty Re: Kako je Bella zatrudnela? Pet Apr 08, 2011 8:11 am


Bokssha :: To sto nije objasnjeno ne znaci da je nemoguce.
Mozda Stefani nije htela da pise o takvim stvarima zbog vecinski mladje
populacije koja voli Twilight.

Ili nije uopste smatrala da je to bitno.

Ako krenemo od toga da vampiri ne mogu da imaju erekciju jer nemaju
krv , onda dobar deo knjige koji se odnosi na te stvari ne bi postojao.

A zbunjenost ostalih clanova porodice u knjzi verovatno proizilazi iz toga
sto niko nikada od njih nije ni probao da napravi dete .

A sto se tice vampira van twilighta , procitajte malo o
Sukubusima i Inkubusima. Mozda vam bude malo jasnije.

Slažem se.
Ionako, sva ta stvar, vampiri - vukodlaci, ako je to moguće, zašto nebi i ovo? Very Happy


14Kako je Bella zatrudnela? Empty Re: Kako je Bella zatrudnela? Pon Nov 28, 2011 1:51 pm


Bas tako...mislim,jedno vreme sam i ja tu nesto filozofirala,ali ljudi,pricamo o knjizi u kojoj se momci pretvaraju u vukove,a vampiri postoje i svetle xDD Da li je tu ista logicno xDD ??

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